Having spent a week off the grid and then a few more days slowly settling back in (not so much by choice as due to the blizzard in New York that left us “stranded” in Miami), I feel very much refreshed and ready to tackle 2011. Here are some of the things I want to accomplish in the coming year (in no particular order):
More or less stop using business cards and replace them with one or more services, including Hashable.
Finally replace our 200,000+ miles Toyota Corolla wagon with a car that’s a bit safer (the Corolla is so old that it does not have a passenger side airbag).
Actually migrate from my Blackberry to an Android phone. The perfect Android phone for me is not quite there yet, although several of the phones available on T-Mobile are getting close (sticking with T-Mobile because of UMA).
Have more but shorter meetings and not look at my phone during those meetings. That will likely require wearing a watch again (which might take some getting used to).
Exercise more and generally take better care of my health. I have enrolled in a gym one block from the office and will try to work out at least twice a week for 1 hour.
Resume my blog posts about the Age of Abundance.
Figure out something fun to do with the Kinect controller. Currently thinking about controlling a lego robot.
Take the kids to more events in the city, such as Broadway shows, museum exhibits, concerts, etc. as part of the plan to eventually move back to the city.
Design a 3D object and have it printed on Shapeways. My best idea so far is a rocket motor mount for building model rockets. Also get the kids to design something.
Learn more about sail boat racing by participating in more Thursday evening Can One races. Also: practice gybing with the spinnaker up in more than 10 knots of wind.
Having read Scott Belsky’s terrific Making Ideas Happen, I will treat each of these as a project with associated action steps, references and backburner items. I am also taking a similar approach to working with portfolio companies.
I am extremely excited about 2011 and wish everyone a Happy New Year!