AuthSMTP to the Rescue

More and more ISPs block port 25 and it’s a pain to begin with to figure out which smtp server to use, especially on a laptop that’s moving around a lot.  Initially I had configured Susan’s machine to send via gmail, but despite having her DailyLit email address in the “send as” account configuration, when connecting via SMTP gmail sent all the mail as coming from her gmail account.  So last night I signed her up for AuthSMTP.  It took all of 10 minutes to pay, add her email address and then configure both and her iphone to use it.  Works like a charm and now her email comes from the proper address.  Curious to see how this will affect the deliverability of her email, but given that AuthSMTP is not dirt cheap, I suspect it is not used by pure spammers (also they would not have much of a business if they wound up on any major realtime blacklists).

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