Breaking Down Walls:

Albert Wenger

Someone recently said to me that the most interesting things happening on the net these days are breaking down the walls between disparate realms of information and between different modes of interaction. Google Wave is a big attempt to at breaking down walls. Another take is launching today from our portfolio company breaks down two walls: first, it smoothly integrates information on private and public companies and the people who work for them. Up until now these have largely been separate universes of information even though they have significant overlap. Because the data on is structured, any such overlap shows up as a clickable link making navigation and discovery that much easier.

Second, combines business information with communication and social interaction. If you are collaborating with others on research or simply want to share information you have discovered this used to require switching between the context of an information site and a communication tool. brings the two together, so that sharing a newly discovered piece of information or insight can take place in context.

You can read more about and our investment in them on the USV blog, Fred’s blog and over at Techcrunch. But maybe better than reading more is to go straight to and try it out.

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