ChangeX Launches in the US

Albert Wenger

Susan and I have been supporting ChangeX for a number of years. It is a nonprofit that helps people share and discover ways to improve the communities they live in. Since its launch Dublin based ChangeX has been growing rapidly in Ireland with over 30 programs available that have been implemented by over a 1,000 people in their communities reaching over 50,000 members. Here is a snapshot from the ChangeX homepage of some of the available programs:


So we are excited that ChangeX is now coming to the US. With the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ChangeX is launching today in Minneapolis.

Available programs include local Minnesota ideas such as World Savvy, which helps students and teachers reimagine education in a more interconnected age. Girl Trek is a health movement focused on helping Black women through a daily habit of walking. Roots of Empathy is a classroom program from Canada to reduce aggression among school children.

For each of these programs, ChangeX provides clear steps on how to get started as well as connections to others who have implemented these in their local community and/or want to help start it. Minneapolis will be the seed community for the United States and we are excited to see these programs spread from there. You can read more about the US launch on the ChangeX blog.


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