Choosing Our Information-Based Future: Utopia or Dystopia?

We are at a perilous fork in history where many of the choices that we are making now and in the coming years will determine whether we are headed towards an information-based utopia or dystopia.  It is not any single choice that matters but rather their cumulative effect and how these choices interact with each other.  

Here is how I see the two possible extreme future states of the world:

Utopia. Transparent information sharing. Global collaboration. Renaissance of arts. Reputation more important than money. Sharing of resources.  Democratic networks replacing autocratic hierarchies.

Dystopia. Widespread use of encryption. Pervasive secrecy and distrust. Splintered and isolated sub-networks. Information and intellectual property used for control and power. Dictatorships and rule by special interests.

Now you may say that these are caricatures of the future and I would agree that they are extreme depictions.  But what I am getting at is that there are strong complementarities between different aspects of an information-based society.  For instance, you cannot have widespread use of encryption and simultaneously broad sharing of resources.  Why? Because the latter is based on an open flow of information where new systems can easily be built on top of existing ones.

Lots of little choices will matter here not just by politicians but by all of us.  As endusers, do we buy general purpose computers or locked down devices?  As content producers, do we insist on hardline copyright enforcement or do we work on facilitating legal purchases? As developers, do we work on encrypted and isolated networks or on platforms for transparent collaboration? As investors, do we care only about financial returns or also about growing communities?

Each of us will be presented with many of these seemingly small choices.  What we each decide to do will determine the future we all live in.  The more we embrace the utopian vision the better our chances of actually getting there!

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