Cleaning Up

Albert Wenger

I am spending the last two days of the decade cleaning up. We moved into our current place about 8 years ago and have accumulated a lot of stuff during that time period. It will be interesting to see how far I get but I am planning to at least sort out all my clothes and electronics. While I won’t go for a strict Marie Kondo approach, I tend to err on the side of getting rid of more rather than less. Thankfully the weather here in New York is being fully cooperative with cold rain that makes staying inside a rather pleasant option. Stuff tends to clog everything, including the mind, and so I look forward to increased clarity.

Here is a picture halfway through our bedroom – the two bags on the side will go to donation (perfectly good clothes but I just haven’t worn in a long time). Susan is also going through all of her things

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Now if only we could get the kids to join the effort …


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