Email Killer Feature: Reply Processing

Albert Wenger

If you needed yet another reason to switch from operating your own MTA for transactional email to using a service provider, SendGrid recently introduced a killer feature: reply processing.  No more need to send emails from “"  Instead, let people take actions simply by replying to emails.  This is a feature that I have absolutely loved about disqus from day one: being able to reply to comments by replying to the email I get from disqus.  Tons of others should do this.  Accept a friend request?  Just reply "yes” to the notification email.  SendGrid’s reply processing API takes all the hard work out of this.  I can’t wait to find the time to switch DailyLit over to SendGrid for just that reason.

P.S. If you need yet another reason why you don’t want to operate your own MTA, try squashing the backscatter problem by properly configuring Postfix (and then realizing that Thunderbird no longer works).  Spent two hours on that this weekend – a total waste of cycles that could be used for creating value for endusers!

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