Homeschool Wednesday: More Math and Beauty

Albert Wenger

In a previous edition of Homeschool Wednesdays, I had written about different ways of motivating the study of math. In particular I suggested that showing how math can be beautiful may be one way to get some kids interested in it. My first foray into that was showing how spirals occur in nature and can easily be modeled using math. In my presentation this past Sunday I talked about waves. Here it is:

Math & Beauty 2: Waves from Albert Wenger

When I presented it, the embed on Slide 10 actually played right in the presentation but PDF upload to Slideshare can’t do that. So here it is instead (taken from the awesome Wikipedia entry on sine):

Also you will definitely want to head over to the gorgeous simulation of overlapping waves that I link to from the second to last slide. I promise that it is absolutely stunning.


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