Homeschool Wednesday: Science

Albert Wenger

Last week in Homeschool Wednesdays I wrote about the New York State requirement for an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP). One of the sections that I have been thinking a fair bit about is science. So I have started to put together a Hackpad with what I think everyone should know in science. I literally mean everyone here. I have a strong believe that the world would be a better place if more people knew more about science.

If you want to contribute head over to the Hackpad. It is currently completely open as an experiment. I may decide to make it invitation only or turn on moderation if things get out of hand. Please note that this is *intentionally* not organized around traditional categories such as physics, chemistry and biology which I think are more harmful than helpful.  See also my post on the need for a re-integration of knowledge.

What kind of contributions am I looking for? Please be super careful with adding more concepts – I am trying to keep these as limited as possible but am of course open to that. Brief definitions for the concepts that are already there would be super helpful. As would be links to online content, in particular any kind of simulation that makes these concepts come alive. Also: experiments that can be conducted at home.

PS For questions, suggestions on the approach, etc. please use the comments to this blog post instead of the hackpad itself.


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