Homeschool Wednesday: Starter Edition

Albert Wenger

Today marks the first edition of what will be Homeschooling Wednesdays (not sure it will be every Wednesday, we’ll see). We have been making good progress finding guides and tutors but still are interested in meeting more people, so if you know someone who would be great, please send them our way!

One of the goals of going back to homeschooling is to allow for enough time and focus to go really deep on one interest. That interest doesn’t have to be academic and in fact right now it looks like fashion for one of our children and magic for another.

But that leaves open a super important question: what else should one be learning outside one’s specialty? Put differently, in an ideal world, what should every adult / citizen know? I will be writing a fair bit about this as I believe that school mostly gets this wrong despite (or maybe because of) the now much vaunted Common Core.

I think this is a super important question not just for our family but more generally for the future of society. Would love to have people chime in on what they think (this will be a series of posts on different subject areas) and if there is interest in doing this through some kind of wiki. Any pointers to existing resources would be much appreciated also.


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