Homeschool Wednesday: You are the Principal

Albert Wenger

One of the many benefits of homeschooling is that it allows for fine grained quality control. With a school you are getting a complete bundle and if the math teacher is no good in a particular grade you are basically out of luck. In homeschooling on the other hand you can switch to a new method, try a different course, add or remove a tutor, etc. 

This is incredibly empowering not just for us as parents but also for our kids as we involve them deeply in this process. One might at first suspect that kids would want to go for easy tutors or courses, but that’s not really the case. In fact feeling a sense of ownership and control does a lot to help with motivation.

Selection, supervision and course correction do, however, take up a lot more time than would be required if they were in school. Effectively you are the principal of your own school. Here, Susan has been doing amazing work and without her dedication homeschooling would not be possible for us. That is all the more impressive as she juggles that with launching Ziggeo!


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