I am Voting for Hillary

Albert Wenger

The 2016 Presidential race is not a typical election between two candidates based on the merits of their positions on key issues. Instead, it is a stark choice between Hillary Clinton, whose positions you may disagree with, but who is firmly grounded in the democratic and scientific tradition that has made America great, and Donald Trump, a candidate born from reality television who is an autocratic demagogue willfully ignoring science and intentionally trashing any rational discourse.

At a time when democracy and rationality are under attack around the world, whom we elect here in the United States matters more than ever. What do you want to say to your grandchildren about what you did in the run up to this election? Do you want to meekly say “I told my friends privately how awful it would be for Trump to be President”? Even public warnings about the dangers of Donald Trump — including ones I have written — are unlikely to diminish the fervor of many of his supporters and may in fact strengthen it. And every mention is free publicity.

So what is to be done? There is only one answer: help elect Hillary Clinton. Saying you dislike her also and will not vote is not a strategy. It is not the moral high ground some people seem to think it is. It is a capitulation instead and exactly how Trump becomes president. In the United States system — whether you like it or not — if you are not actively voting for Hillary Clinton, you are helping Trump get elected. Plain and simple. It is therefore time to put aside any negative feelings you may have and start to declare that you will vote for Hillary Clinton and why you will do so.

The great news is that once you focus on the issues of science and rationality it is easy to take a principled stand for Hillary. Here is mine:

I, Albert Wenger, am voting for Hillary because she understands that climate change is a defining issue for the 21st century

Now to make it easy for you to take a similar stand, Susan and I have created a website. Go to IAmVotingForHillary.org and record your own 10 second video, then share it on Twitter, Facebook, etc. and email it to your friends.

Go and turn out the vote for Hillary in a big way! Be able to tell your children and grandchildren that you stood up against a return to a pre-scientific and pre-rational dark age.

Also, if climate change turns out to be a pivotal issue for you, the one where science and rationality will play the greatest role, then you might also want to share the following site on Twitter, Facebook, etc. and email it to your friends


Our children and some of their friends — all of whom cannot yet vote but will live with the consequences of climate change for longer than any of us — have created it.

election 2016
hillary clinton

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