Saw Inception on Sunday evening and loved it despite (because?) some its glaring flaws. It is a spectacular mashup of some of my favorite movie elements: philosophy, action, heist, stunning imagery and more action- all on a huge IMAX screen (the way movies are meant to be seen).
The philosophy element is about some of the deep unresolved questions around consciousness, free will and our potentially tenuous grasp on reality. The action element is well action including fist fights, car chases, skiing, you name it. The heist element is wonderfully satisfying because it involves planting something rather than stealing it and (spoiler alert) is pulled off successfully against great odds (lots of echoes of traditional and newer capers here). And finally there is Nolan’s signature element of amazing imagery. My personal favorites were Paris folding in on itself and dreamers floating in a zero-gravity hotel room.
Now as I mentioned there were also some glaring flaws mostly relating to internal consistency and character development (or more precisely lack thereof). But I am happily willing to overlook these or even consider them to come with the territory. I would definitely go see a sequel - this could be the Oceans 11-13 of mind benders.