Internet Bill of Rights and eG8 Summit

I have argued in the past that we need an Internet Bill of Rights.  If anyone doubted that, then they should look at what has been happening at and around the eG8 summit. There have been many great tweets from people there and around the world. 

The two that summarize the situation best for me are first Jeff Jarvis tweeting that

At # eG8, government acts as if it should protect us from the internet. Instead, the internet needs protection from government.

And then this wonderful response by Scott Perry (whom I did not know previously but now follow)

@jeffjarvis @cbarrett: truth is, the government wants protection from the internet.

Together these perfectly capture the important fight over the future of the Internet that we are now in. 

In an upcoming post I will articulate what I believe the Internet Bill of Rights should look like.  Would love to hear what everyone else thinks should be in there!

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