Mayor Bloomberg Tech Tour? Suggest Companies!

Albert Wenger

I have been participating in a series of meetings on how to ensure New York City’s future as a (new) media hub. A persistent theme of these meetings has been that there is not enough external awareness of how many great companies already exist in the city, including many that do some fairly hefty engineering! There is still too much of a perception that New York is good at content but not at innovating in delivery or anything else that requires some heavier technical lifting. At yesterday’s meeting, I proposed that it would cost the city next to nothing to lift its profile here. All that would have to happen is for Mayor Bloomberg to do a tech tour where every week he visits an existing tech business in the city for 10 minutes. This could even be enroute to another meeting. Just get someone with a video camera to be there and then put it on and distribute it out to the world! Someone at the meeting offered that if the community put together a list, they would bring the idea to the mayor. I agreed to help with that. Suggestions for companies to add to this list via comments to this post would be great. Of course feedback on the idea itself is welcome also!

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