My Book: World After Capital (Rough Draft)

Albert Wenger

After frequently mentioning in person and here on Continuations that I am working on a book, I am excited to announce that a first rough draft version is now ready! You can head over to World After Capital to read and comment.

What you will find there is still very much a rough draft but one I feel covers the essential arguments that I want to make. So far I have done one round of bug fixes to correct typos and other blatant mistakes. But a lot of work still remains to be done including finding a more uniform voice and adding missing references and data.

I want to thank everyone who has contributed over the years through comments on posts here and in person discussions. A big shoutout also to the in-depth feedback I have already received from early readers. I have yet to address much of what has been proposed but am planning to do so in future revisions.

I am using gitbook to write World After Capital and you can track the changes I am making on github. I retain final “commit rights” for changes and as such take responsibility for any and all errors.

There is also a separate FAQ which I will be updating periodically. If you want to, you can download a version in PDF, ePub or Mobi. The contents of the book will always be freely available at under a Creative Commons license.

I look forward to any and all feedback.

world after capital

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