I continue to be amazed how big web pages have grown these days. They are routinely 500+ KB for some trivial amount of actual content. That’s obviously not an issue when I am browsing on a true broadband connection. But at actual 3G speeds on most mobile devices (I realize 4G is sort of here but will be a while before it has any meaningful availability).
Maybe another way to express my surprise is to say how few sites seems to be doing much in the ways of mobile browser detection. Would be fun for someone to write a script that goes around the web and downloads pages pretending to be different browsers (regular versus mobile) to see how many pages have exactly the same weight no matter what device you appear to be coming from.
The net result for me these days is that many links that I click on from Twitter on my mobile, I abandon before the page loads fully. Add to that the increasing imposition of caps or rate limits in carrier data plans and you have a recipe for considerably less mobile web usage than we should be having.