Paperless (Office) - Pretty Much There!

For the last year I have made a conscious effort not to accept any paper documents.  For instance, when someone wants to give me a pitch deck, I tell them to send me an electronic copy.  I receive all communication from portfolio companies electronically.  I have switched all my brokerage and bank accounts to electronic statements.  The few paper statements that I still receive go to an accountant who enters them into electronic bill pay.  Business cards get scanned and then discarded.

The net result is that I have filed only a handful of pieces of paper over an entire year.  Part of that is of course that I have extremely capable support at the Union Square Ventures office that takes care of some of the things that still wind up on paper, but even that paper is rapidly diminishing.  For instance, we now receive most closing binder for transactions burned on CD.  I would love it, if it were possible to switch to something like EchoSign and get rid of having to sign paper in the first place (only to have that paper scanned by the law firm).

The bottom line is that I pretty much have a paperless setup at work.  Now, if only the kids’ school could stop sending home everything on paper …

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