I wrote a post a few years ago titled “Some Things I Have Learned About Email” which among other things advocates for double opt-in introductions. These have by now thankfully become fairly standard and when people don’t follow the protocol it now stands out. There is one more thing though that is worth emphasizing even though it should be obvious (but apparently is not): if you asked for an introduction and now someone makes that introduction for you over email, it is your job to send the next email!
At a rate of roughly one out of ten the following happens. Somebody writes me that an entrepreneur is looking for an introduction. I write back to go ahead (note: I don’t always say go ahead, it depends of course on if I actually want the introduction). The introduction email is sent. And then crickets. The entrepreneur does not actually pick up the thread.
Now it is of course possible that they got busy or that the reason for the introduction is no longer relevant (eg they got a term sheet from someone else). But if there is no compelling reason, if the entrepreneur who asked for the introduction is simply waiting for me to reply they will wait forever.
Admittedly once in a while they will pick up the thread and I will not get to a reply because I didn’t see it (my email volume is challenging). Whenever I discover that I feel bad about it. Good entrepreneurs will send at least a second follow up email. It is very rare that I don’t reply at that point.
So: if someone introduces, make sure to pick up the thread. And if you don’t hear back, don’t hesitate to ping again (and possibly even a third time). Of course keep in mind: this only applies to double opt-in introductions.