Climate Crisis Part 2: Youth Rising

Albert Wenger

Albert Wenger

This post is the second part in a series on the climate crisis (Part 1).

Earlier this year I gave a talk titled Reasons for Optimism. In it I refer to the Fridays for Future movement started by the amazing Greta Thunberg as giving me hope. It is not just hope though, but also a call to action. 

Here are our children taking us rightly to task over our failure to stop something that has been known as a problem for a long time. How long? The first research that industrial activity may result in global warming goes back to the 1800s! And, in an echo of the tobacco companies and smoking, the major energy companies had internal research ringing alarm bells as far back as the 1970s.

So now we each need to ask ourselves, what will we have done to stop this crisis? Will we have been silent bystanders, letting it happen, or will we answer the call of the young and finally act?

Here is a map showing how much this movement has spread over the last year 

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Climate Crisis Part 2: Youth Rising