When we moved back to the city at the beginning of 2012 we experimented for 6 months with homeschooling our kids. They then spent last year at Avenues, a new school in Manhattan. Avenues is a startup (and of course I love startups). The Avenues team did an impressive job coming out of the gate and are building a great school. But as it turns out our kids all concluded that homeschooling was better yet and so we are going back to it.
I will be blogging extensively about the experience most likely every Wednesday (“Homeschool Wednesdays” or maybe just “Learning Wednesdays”). We want to give our kids as much time as possible to pursue the things they are interested in. Yet there will also be a body of knowledge that we believe they should be familiar with to be well rounded individuals and inquisitive citizens.
Susan and I would love to hear from anyone who has direct homeschooling experience and are particularly interested in introductions to other parents here in New York City.