Putting People First on Healthcare

Albert Wenger

There is lots wrong with the healthcare and health insurance system in the US. One can also have a rational debate of the pros and cons of the Affordable Care Act and how we might proceed from here. What should not happen, however, is pushing through poorly thought through measures just for the sake of making a change. Even more so, when there has been ample of time to come up with a something well designed.

So I was glad to see that three GOP senators voted against the latest half baked attempt at undoing the ACA. Particularly commendable was the opposition by Senators Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins who bore the brunt of the pressure from their party and from the President. John McCain also finally found the courage to cast a “No” vote.

It will be interesting to see what happens next. It would be great if the Republicans and Democrats could work together to improve the ACA, or propose some actually well-thought-out alternative. Instead, I fear that partisan politics will continue to dominate with every attempt made to have ACA fail for a cheap “I told you so” moment. For the sake of all of those depending on it, I hope I am wrong about that.


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