Thanksgiving: Thanking Susan

Albert Wenger

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Not only is there no gift giving madness but it is great to be reminded that I have much to thankful for. Last year I wrote a post thanking my parents. This year I want to give a big shoutout to Susan. We met completely randomly in a cafe in Paris in 1991 and if she hadn’t been the one to suggest that we meet again the next day our lives would likely be very different!

There are so many things that I am thankful to Susan for but two in particular stand out. The first is that she was at all times a steadfast supporter of my entrepreneurial endeavors, even when those did not pan out (which was more than once early on!). Given how crazy working on and with startups can be it is impossible to overstate how important this has been. I am certain I wouldn’t be a partner at USV today if it weren’t for Susan’s support (I am now trying to return some of that as Susan is on her second startup with Ziggeo).

The second is that Susan is always up for trying out something relatively crazy. The latest example of this is our experiment with homeschooling our children. And Susan does so providing the perfect emotional balance to my somewhat manic drive to just get things done.

So on this Thanksgiving: thank you Susan.

PS I love you!


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