We Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Albert Wenger

Yesterday was an impressive day in tech news.  Here are three announcements that caught my attention:

  1. Wolfram Alpha releases an API

  2. Apple makes in-app purchases available for free apps

  3. Google announces it will distribute ebooks

I believe that each of these is important in their own right (and they may make it into their own blog posts).  But what is mostly on my mind is how much is changing and how quickly that change is occurring.

When people ask me whether investing in web services is a long-term opportunity, I often say that “we ain’t seen nothing yet."  A day like yesterday really confirms that for me.  Even areas that might seem settled, such as the basic paradigms of search and site navigation could still be completely disrupted.  In fact, earlier this week I had two separate conversations with people who are working hard on fundamentally changing the way people interact with content and commerce.  What an amazing time for entrepreneurs!


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