Based on recent meetings it would appear that the national security establishment may share Leopold Aschenbrenner’s view that the US needs to get to ASI first to help protect the world from Chinese hegemony. I believe firmly in protecting individual freedom and democracy. Building a secretive Manhattan project style ASI is, however, not the way to accomplish this. Instead we now need an Actually Open™ AI more than ever. We need ASIs (plural) to be developed in the open. With said development governed in the open. And with the research, data, and systems accessible to all humankind.
The safest number of ASIs is 0. The least safe number is 1. Our odds get better the more there are. I realize this runs counter to a lot of writing on the topic, but I believe it to be correct and will attempt to explain concisely why.
I admire the integrity of some of the people who advocate for stopping all development that could result in ASI and are morally compelled to do so as a matter of principle (similar to committed pacifists). This would, however, require magically getting past the pervasive incentive systems of capitalism and nationalism in one tall leap. Put differently, I have resigned myself to zero ASIs being out of reach for humanity.
Comparisons to our past ability to ban CFCs as per the Montreal Protocol provide a false hope. Those gasses had limited economic upside (there are substitutes) and obvious massive downside (exposing everyone to terrifyingly higher levels of UV radiation). The climate crisis already shows how hard the task becomes when the threat is seemingly just a bit more vague and in the future. With ASI, however, we are dealing with the exact inverse: unlimited perceived upside and “dubious” risk. I am putting “dubious” in quotes because I very much believe in existential AI risk but it has proven difficult to make this case to all but a small group of people.
To get a sense of just how big the economic upside perception for ASI is one need to look no further than the billions being poured into OpenAI, Anthropic and a few others. We are entering the bubble to end all bubbles because the prize at the end appears infinite. Scaling at inference time is utterly uneconomical at the moment based on energy cost alone. Don’t get me wrong: it’s amazing that it works but it is not anywhere close to being paid for by current applications. But it is getting funded and to the tune of many billions. It’s ASI or bust.
Now consider the national security argument. Aschenbrenner uses the analogy to the nuclear bomb race to support his view that the US must get there first with some margin to avoid a period of great instability and protect the world from a Chinese takeover. ASI will result in decisive military advantage, the argument goes. It’s a bit akin to Earth’s spaceships encountering far superior alien technology in the Three Body Problem, or for those more inclined towards history (as apparently Aschenbrenner is), the trouncing of Iraqi forces in Operation Desert Storm.
But the nuclear weapons or other examples of military superiority analogy is deeply flawed for two reasons. First, weapons can only destroy, whereas ASI also has the potential to build. Second, ASI has failure modes that are completely unlike the failure modes of non-autonomous weapons systems. Let me illustrate how these differences matter using the example of ASI designed swarms of billions of tiny drones that Aschenbrenner likes to conjure up. What in the world makes us think we could actually control this technology? Relying on the same ASI that designed the swarm to stop it is a bad idea for obvious reasons (fox in charge of hen house). And so our best hope is to have other ASIs around that build defenses or hack into the first ASI to disable it. Importantly, it turns out that it doesn’t matter whether the other ASI are aligned with humans in some meaningful way as long as they foil the first one successfully.
Why go all the way to advocating a truly open effort? Why not just build a couple of Manhattan projects then? Say a US and a European one. Whether this would make a big difference depends a lot on one’s belief about the likelihood of an ASI being helpful in a given situation. Take the swarm example again. If you think that another ASI would be 90% likely to successfully stop the swarm, well then you might take comfort in small numbers. If on the other hand you think it is only 10% likely and you want a 90% probability of at least one helping successfully you need 22 (!) ASIs. Here’s a chart graphing the likelihood of all ASIs being bad / not helpful against the number of ASIs for these assumptions:

And so here we have the core argument for why one ASI is the most dangerous of all the scenarios. Which is of course exactly the scenario that Aschenbrenner wants to steer us towards by enclosing the world’s knowledge and turning the search for ASI into a Manhattan project. Aschenbrenner is not just wrong, he is dangerously wrong.
People have made two counter arguments to the let’s build many ASIs including open ones approach.
First, there is the question of risk along the way. What if there are many open models and they allow bio hackers to create super weapons in their garage. That’s absolutely a valid risk and I have written about a key way of mitigating that before. But here again unless you believe the number of such models could be held to zero, more models also mean more ways of early detection, more ways of looking for a counteragent or cure, etc. And because we already know today what some of the biggest bio risk vectors are we can engage in ex-ante defensive development. Somewhat in analogy to what happened during COVID, would you rather want to rely on a single player or have multiple shots on goal – it is highly illustrative here to compare China’s disastrous approach to the US’s Operation Warp Speed.
Second, there is the view that battling ASIs will simply mean a hellscape for humanity in a Mothra vs. Godzilla battle. Of course there is no way to rule that out but multiple ASIs ramping up around the same time would dramatically reduce the resources any one of them can command. And the set of outcomes also includes ones where they simply frustrate each other’s attempts at domination in ways that are highly entertaining to them but turn out to be harmless for the rest of the world.
Zero ASIs are unachievable. One ASI is extremely dangerous. We must let many ASIs bloom. And the best way to do so is to let everyone contribute, fork, etc. As a parting thought: ASIs that come out of open collaboration between humans and machines would at least be exposed to a positive model for the future in their origin, whereas an ASI covertly hatched for world domination, even in the name of good, might be more inclined to view that as its own manifest destiny.
I am planning to elaborate the arguments sketched here. So please fire away with suggestions and criticisms as well as links to others making compelling arguments for or against Aschenbrenner’s one ASI to rule them all.