Tech Tuesday: What Next?

Albert Wenger

Albert Wenger

So far on Tech Tuesday we have covered basic computing technology (9 installments) and the web cycle (11 installments).  That means its time to check in again and see what to cover next.  There are at least three big topic areas that I want to get to eventually:

Programming Overview: Includes what programming languages do and how they work, what an algorithm is, different ways of structuring code.  My goal would be to combine historical context, with some theory and hands-on examples and provide a good complement to Codecademy.

Lower Level Programming: This sequence would start by taking a look inside the CPU and its registers.  We would then examine some assembly code and work our way up towards programming in C.

Theory of Computer Science: Look at the theoretical underpinnings of computing, such as state and Turing machines, algorithmic complexity, halting problem.

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Tech Tuesday: What Next?