This is the third post in a series on the climate crisis. Post 1 declares the crisis. Post 2 is about the rising youth movement. Today’s post is about what to do next.
The first and most urgent step everyone can take is to answer the call of the young people by joining the global climate strike on September 20th.
Head over to now and register!
The purpose of the strike is threefold: first to support the youth movement, second to wake up as many adults as possible and third to put leaders all over the world on notice that humanity must take action now.
After you have registered you should make others aware as well so that they can join.
If you are a student on a college campus, find other students. Form a climate strike group for your school. Enlist others and make sure to have a big turnout. Talk to the administration and ask them what they are doing.
If you are an employee, find other employees at your company. Form a group that meets regularly. Talk to your manager and get them on board.
If you are a founder or CEO alert your employees. Tell them you will address the climate crisis at an all hands on September 20th and that you will lead a protest of all employees who want to join.
In this strike, there does not need to be something concrete to be calling for. There can be a great discussion about the many actions to be taken (expect more posts) after the strike. This strike is all about a collective awakening.